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Samavesh is the Annual Meet of LiGHT which aimed to present each center's journey and their initiatives in the tenure. In the first edition of Samavesh, which was conducted in May 2022, 160+ volunteers had participated. Each center's struggle and success story helped in creating inter-center awareness and motivated the members to work effectively for the next tenure


To felicitate the centres for their achievements, we present them with awards in the annual event 'Samavesh'. It helps the center's keep up their spirit and creates an healthy compitition among them. We presented the centres with the following awards: Most Impactful centre, Most events conducted by a centre, Emerging centre of the year, Most innovative event of the year, Social Strategy Development Competition winners, Promising centres


LiGHT is an initiative of one of India's largest student-run government registered NGO Gopali Youth Welfare Society, based in IIT Kharagpur. Gopali Youth Welfare Society aims at the overall socio-economic development of the underprivileged near the IIT Kharagpur campus.

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  • +91 8957557713
  • Gopali (No-shooting Area), P.O. – Salua, Dist. – Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, Pin-721145.